Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Safe for the Whole Family?


First of all, let me say that I have enjoyed listening to your station for quite some time.  However, I have noticed recently the increasing number of paid sponsors that fall into the "worldly vanity" category, and I find this personally troubling.

For a top Christian station like KLTY to broadcast commercials that are promoting plastic surgical procedures like "Mommy Makeovers" is really crossing a line.  It is one thing for me, a father of two little girls, to expect to have to explain things about vanity and poor body image when it comes across the airwaves from secular sources.  But it is absurd for me to have to field comments when they come over the airwaves from a source that is supposedly "safe for the whole family".

I have made a point today to get the word out through social networking and my blog to other Christians in the area to do as I have done:  stop listening to KLTY in favor of other stations such as 89.7 and 90.9 who do not allow such garbage to be broadcast on their airwaves.  I would encourage you strongly to reconsider allowing advertisers to fund you so that they can prattle on about their services that seek to cater to the sin of vanity.  Plastic surgery, laser hair all speaks to a society that has placed so much emphasis on the outer, and none of this seeks to build up the listener with positive messages of what God truly treasures:  the heart of the believer.

I don't know if or how many people have contacted you today as a result of my postings.  But I can assure you one thing:  for every one person who has contacted you, there are likely hundreds more who feel the same way.

I urge you to go to my blog and read my post "An Open Letter to KLTY", located at  For a small time blogger like myself to have 250 unique visitors to that post alone in less than a 24 hour period is quite dramatic.  I intend to continue to direct people to that blog post and take the actions described therein.  I also intend to push this to the point where it becomes viral if necessary. 

Let me be perfectly clear. I do not wish to "bring down" KLTY, nor do I have any delusions of having any such power.  What I am asking is that you be held accountable for the decisions that your advertising department makes in terms of what is acceptable to endorse as a Christian radio station.  And lest you think I'm being overly dramatic, by allowing these companies air time, that is EXACTLY what you are doing:  endorsing them.

I sincerely hope that you will take this seriously.  You have such an incredible platform to do so much good for Christ-followers in DFW and in this nation.  I humbly request that you reconsider allowing industries that prey on people's poor body image to advertise on your station.


Jesse S. Greever

Jesse S. Greever is the CEO of 3G Publishing, a digital publisher for Christian authors.  If you are a Christian author and have a manuscript that you think is worthy of publication, check out the submission guidelines and follow the directions for manuscript submissions.  
Greever is also a co-author of the book, Learning to Give in a Getting World, and numerous fiction titles from Untreed Reads publishing.
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